We Defend Democracy

… by supporting Democratic candidates in battleground states, protecting voting rights, and partnering with grassroots groups in those same states to win elections. We say NOPE to those who threaten our democracy.

We’re an all-volunteer organization based in Washington, D.C., but our reach is nationwide. Find out more on our About and Leadership pages.


Stay informed! Subscribe to our Weekly Update newsletter.


Meeting Recap - Pennsylvania: The Must-Win State


September 18 meeting

Our meeting confirmed that Pennsylvania will almost certainly be the tipping point state for Harris-Walz. as well as a key to holding the Senate and flipping the US House. Our speakers, Steve Paul, leader of our grassroots partner, One PA, Senator Bob Casey, US House candidate Janelle Stelson, and PA state Representative Leanne Krueger affirmed the urgency and told us how we can help them win in races that are too close to call.

Now is the time. We must win-win-win in Pennsylvania races up and down the ballot. Please contribute generously below. And check our calendar to learn how you can wisely invest your time and effort by volunteering.


Take Action Today

With only weeks to go before the elction, it’s time to step up and make a difference. We offer vetted and high impact volunteer opportunities for all skill sets and all levels of experience. Canvassing, phone calling, writing letters, speading the word on social media, taking actions to protect the vote — choose the activity that suits you best. Check out our current opportunities on our Volunteer page and on our calendar. Use our contact form to get on mailing lists for future activities.


Click here to see our full calendar.


Donate to Key Races

Although our primary focus is Pennsylvania, we remain committed to supporting candidates in all our battleground states. Please join us now by donating to help flip the U.S. House and defend democracy at the state level. Our carefully selected House candidates (pictured here) are challenging Republican incumbents in tough but winnable races. Our statehouse candidates are in very close races where money will make a significant difference. And support for all of these candidates will help bring out critical up-ballot votes. Just click the buttons below.

Our Impact


$4.8 million


since 2017 for our targeted organizations and candidates: $2.1 million for candidates and $2.7 million for grassroots organizing partners. Read more about our partners here.

59,500 +


written and sent to voters by NOPE volunteers since 2017.

25,000 +


visited by NOPE volunteers canvassing since 2017. We knocked on 6,000 doors in Virginia in 2023!

These are just a few of our accomplishments. Learn more in our 2023 Impact Report.

Our Strategy



We focus our resources — and your time and money — on states where there are Senate or House seats to defend or flip to blue and where there are electoral college votes critical to holding the Presidency in 2024. Here’s the game plan:

  • Hold the White House: All 7 states

  • Re-elect Democratic Senators: AZ, MI, NV, PA, WI

  • Defend or flip House seats: AZ, MI, PA, WI

We are also active in selected State elections — for example, we are canvassing for state house candidates in PA now.

we partner with grassroots organizations

Our carefully vetted partners work in communities of color with under-represented voters, immigrants, and youth, empowering them to fully participate in their communities and helping them register and turn out to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. Supporting these groups promotes racial justice, fights voter suppression, and wins elections. Our partners for 2024 are: Somos Votantes (Arizona), Black Voters Matter (Georgia), Michigan People’s Campaign (Michigan), Make the Road Action (Nevada), Carolina Federation (North Carolina), One Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania), and Voces de la Frontera Action (Wisconsin).

Meet our Partners here.

we Advise on Strategic giving

We do the research so you don’t have to.

Give to carefully vetted candidates: Support our seven carefully selected Senate candidates, who are all in races Democrats must win to preserve our Senate majority. Working to flip the House, we are also supporting six candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives. Read more and donate using the buttons below.

Give to our grassroots organizing partners: Democratic candidates consistently outraise their GOP opponents, so targeting the grassroots is strategic. Building their capacities - especially with recurring donations - yields dividends that last beyond a single election cycle. Donate to our partners here. Meet them here.

“I think of NOPE as a political investment advisor. It helps me get the best return on my money — when the return I’m looking for is democracy, progress, and justice.” - Alice Winkler, NOPE donor

Read more on our Strategic Giving page.

and we keep you informed

Read our weekly newsletters for news you can use: With over 6,000 subscribers, our newsletters focus on actions you can take that will help defend democracy by electing Democrats, protecting the vote, and turning out the vote. It’s all here: rallies, information sessions, thoughtful analysis and volunteer opportunities. 

Find our most recent issue here. Browse past issues here. To subscribe, click the button below.

Attend our meetings: Our lively and well-organized virtual meetings are our signature events. We give you political insight and firsthand information about candidates, grassroots organizing, strategic giving and volunteering. For more information and to see some of our fabulous past speakers, go to our Meetings page.

Join Us — And Bring A Friend!

Let’s work together to defend democracy and foster a more just society. Come to our next meeting — attend a rally — volunteer — and donate! Early and recurring donations have the biggest impact.

If you already know NOPE, help us expand our community. Forward our Weekly Updates and invite your friends to attend our next meeting!