Grassroots Partners

Why We Partner with Grassroots Organizers

Supporting grassroots organizations that work in communities of color in our seven battleground states is a major component of NOPE’s strategy for defending democracy. Democrats cannot win without these voters. Our partners build long-term relationships by empowering their constituents to address issues that impact their daily lives.This positions them for success in registering voters, turning out the vote for races up and down the ballot, and ensuring that all votes are counted in narrowly contested elections. Working with these groups advances our shared commitment to democracy.

All of our Organize for Democracy Now partners:

  • have proven track records.

  • work in underrepresented communities of color to reach low-propensity and low-income voters, immigrants, and youth.

  • belong to an established social change network.

Investing in these groups promotes racial justice and fights voter suppression with impacts that endure beyond a single election cycle or campaign.

We make it easy to support all our 2024 grassroots partners with one donation through our “Organize for Democracy Now” campaign. We will automatically divide your 501(c)(4) non-tax-deductible donation equally among our organizing groups, or you can customize your donations as you choose.  Please donate generously and make your gift recurring.  Early and recurring financial support is critical for effective organizing groundwork, and that groundwork must begin now to secure wins in 2024. Make your donation here.

Our Grassroots Partners for 2024


The Somos program in Arizona works with Latino communities throughout the state. It conducts long-term organizing in Latino communities and engages directly with Latino voters to turn out for elections in support of progressive candidates and causes, including the 2022 re-election of Senator Mark Kelley. For 2024, Somos has a comprehensive plan to contact 1.2 million voters in Arizona to help Democrats win up and down the ballot.


Black Voters Matter works to increase civic engagement and build permanent community power in rural areas, small cities, and towns with predominantly Black communities - the very same areas often ignored by the political establishment and the media. In 2024 they plan to conduct comprehensive, issue-based campaigns in 77 counties to reach 1.5 million black voters. 


Michigan People’s Campaign is a black-led, statewide, multi-racial organization committed to participatory democracy at every level. The Campaign works year-round to ensure that working-class communities and communities of color are fully engaged, have reasons to vote, and have the ability to vote effectively. In 2024 they plan to contact 950,000 potential Democratic voters to re-elect progressives to the White House, the US Senate, the US House, and critical state legislative seats.

Nevada: Make the Road Action Nevada

Make the Road Action Nevada focuses on Latinx, immigrant, and youth voters in working-class communities of color. Active in Nevada’s major population centers, they are also expanding into rural areas to reach underserved voters. They’re planning a comprehensive issue-driven outreach program in 2024 with a goal of 330,000 door knocks and 767,000 calls. They’ll use a “bottom-up” approach to raise support for federal candidates including Senator Jackie Rosen and Harri-Walz. 

North Carolina: Carolina Federation

Carolina Federation work is a statewide focusing on Black working-class communities. They aim to inform and mobilize people to effect change by building political and electoral power. For 2024 they plan to register between 5 and 10 thousand voters and have a strong, comprehensive plan for turning out the vote. Their “bottom-up” strategy will focus on the North Carolina Supreme Court and Governor’s races to bring in votes at the top of the ticket. 

Pennsylvania: One Pennsylvania

One PA is committed to building long-term civic engagement and power in Black working-class communities in Pennsylvania. In 2024 One PA plans an ambitious campaign including registering over 35,000 voters and making more than 2 million voter contacts. While their bottom-up election strategy will focus on local and state races, they will also push hard to elect Kamala Harris.


Voces de la Frontera Action uses an issues-based approach to engage and mobilize Latinx and multi-racial youth in election activism. Many are infrequent or first-time voters. For the 2024 elections, their strategy includes voter registration, early voting, layered door, phone, mail, and text contacts, and a variety of outreach events. In 2020, 70% of Latinx voters supported Biden. Voces is working to generate the same support for Harris in 2024.